Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Paving future's slopes with spray paint

After a short bushwalk in Bold Park with my older son, I crossed ways with these young spray-paint artists, who were redecorating the slopes of the Perry Lakes skate facilities. While enjoying the last few summer-like days of Perth’s Autumn, they were following some general sketches from a few pieces of paper here and there, but pretty much pushing each other towards improvising most of the colorful images that sprouted up and down the slopes of the skate bowl.

In a constructive initiative sponsored by the Cambridge Youth Centre, these young, creative people were literally paving the way for dozens of other youngsters, from all younger and older age groups, who would be criss-crossing the skate bowl throughout the next few months to come. Fueled by something that sounded like The Kills, shouting off a portable hi-fi, and by the pleasant warmth of a quiet Tuesday morning, they were creating a mosaic of images and ideas that would certainly keep future users of the facility motivated, and more than likely in a positive state of mind that will unfold the fun these young artists were having this morning, into the near future.

Photos (C) JH Alves.

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