- Non-judging: make an effort to identify when something is being judged, then step back and just acknowledge it without attaching a value;
- Patience: wait so that things go through their course in their own time;
- Beginners mind: look at things as if it were the first time, and you will always find something new;, as every moment is unique. This will lead to new possibilities, and evolution;
- Trust your guts;
- Non-striving: try less and be more. Identify your desires, then back off from them. Just watch, increase your awareness. Awareness will help allocate the resources more naturally to achieving than by simply trying;
- Acceptance: see things as they are, then you can choose the best path to change, or to live with etc. Mind like water;
- Letting go: let be, non-attachment. Don't be a monkey that gets stuck by not letting go of that banana inside a coconut trap.
You don't have to like it; you just have to do it.